Question: How many works of fiction have you seen BOTH the film/TV drama and read the original book, play or comic story?
Answer: I got going on these, and even sneaked a peek at a few other entries to jog my memory, but as I went along I started second-guessing myself: Did I really see that, or did I just imagine it? Did I really read it? Who am I?
So, here you have it: A list of the books/plays I've read and then seen the adaptation, plus a couple that I did the other way around.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Father of the Bride
Fiddler on the Roof
Great Expectations
Harry Potter 1-4
Hello, Dolly! (Read (memorized, more like) the musical and The Matchmaker, the original play the musical is based on)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Jane Eyre
King Lear
Les Miserables (I only made it halfway through the book, though)
Little House on the Prairie
Little Women (multiple versions, again)
Mary Poppins
Oliver! (This would be the musical version)
Oliver Twist
Our Town
Peanuts (read the cartoons, watch the specials)
Peter Pan
Pride and Prejudice
Prince Caspian
Ramona (the miniseries from the '80s)
Romeo & Juliet
The Colour of Magic
The Hobbit
The Homecoming/The Waltons (The Homecoming was the story-turned-play-turned-movie (those last two steps may have been the other way around) that became The Waltons. The original pilot had all the same actors for the children but different ones for the parents & Grandpa Walton.)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (about 4 versions now!)
The Little Princess
The Lord of the Rings
The Man Who Came to Dinner
The Night of the Twisters
The Princess Bride
The Princess Diaries
The Rats of NIMH
The Secret Garden
The Sound of Music
The Trouble with Angels

What's a good one that you've read/seen that I left off?
I forgot about Princess Diaries, although I don't know if it counts, because I only read the first book.
I can only think of ones that aren't as well known. Like "Dune" and "Not without my Daughter"
You've covered all the classic ones as far as I can tell.
Thanks for reminding me about A LITTLE PRINCESS. I watched that movie about a zillion times when I was little :-)
That's a pretty good list! I think except for Eragon, I read all the books first before watching the movie version.
When we go through a movie store, I always have to ask hubby "Have we seen this??" I'm horrible that way. Yours is a really long list!
I didn't have any of these on my list although I almost included Pride and Prejudice (1940 film version). You have a few that I've seen, but I haven't read many of them at all.
Tossing It Out
@Misha: Well, I'm still reading my way through them, so I'm calling it close enough.
@Cindy: I tried Not Without My Daughter in both book and movie form. Couldn't do it.
@Rachel: The newer version of the movie made my grandpa cry the first time he saw it!
@Nutschell: I think I have 4 or 5 that I saw the movie first... all the rest I read first.
@erica: Me, too. Chad doesn't really like taking me along when choosing movies. ;) My list wouldn't have been so long without the help of everyone else's posts!
@Arlee: I'm going to have to come see your list!
Awww, Little House on the Prairie! I read all the books when I was a kid, and I was in love with the TV show. (And, uh, I might still watch it once in awhile if there's a repeat on somewhere...)
I really want to read The Help and then rent the movie when it comes out on DVD. I read 1984 before seeing all versions of that movie, and I read the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy "Trilogy" before watching the original TV series and the movie. Oh yes, I also read Terry Pratchett's Discworld books (Rincewind series) then watched The Color of Magic and the movie was a huge disappointment.
@Jennifer: I watch it, too. But only some episodes... since I've seen more or less all of them, I know when it's one I can skip. ;)
@Kimberly: I agree on The Colour of Magic. It's kind of funny, when I look at this list, just how many movies made from books that I've seen, since I usually don't like them. :/ I remembered this earlier when Under the Tuscan Sun came on... the movie is a completely different story than the one in the book.
The lion the witch and the wardrobe
was one of my faves when I was a little girl! Great list.
Blessings, Joanne
Me, too! Thanks!
Which "Great Expectations" do you mean? I liked the Ethan Hawke version, with Gwyneth Paltrow and DeNiro.
I've read and seen a bunch of those, but not all of them. I'll have to check out the ones I haven't. I have such a long list I don't think I could name them all! :)
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I really liked both the book and the movie of "A Wrinkle in Time", though I saw somebody else on the blogfest marking it as a bad movie.
If you get a chance, check out a fellow writer's zombie story and help me make him wear an embarrassing shirt next year! It's the ultimate grudge match between social media and the zombies. Details are here:
@Marcus: Well, it wasn't that one. Whatever boring version my freshman English teacher made us watch.
@Jenny: Quite a few of mine were, like Great Expectations, ones we read in school and then watched the movie. And thanks for the award!
@kelworth: I thought about A Wrinkle in Time, because I know I saw the movie, but can't remember whether I read the book. It was one of the ones I second-guessed myself on and finally gave up!
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