I'm getting a lot of use out of our public library during this holiday season, both with books (did you see my
Christmas reading recommendations? They're still good! It's only the 3rd day of Christmas, after all) and with DVDs. In anticipation of the new
Girls Meets World series, my sister and I have been revisiting our youth and gradually rewatching
Boy Meets World. Denise had a strong crush on Shawn, and I eventually had a crush on Shawn's older brother Jack in the later years of the show. And, of course, I wanted to be Topanga, because she was awesome. And really, in those pre-Hermione years, who among us
didn't want to be Topanga? I'm enjoying this trip back to the characters' (and my own) childhoods, and can't wait to see them in their new roles as parents. I hope Disney doesn't screw this up.
Moving right along...
I can only dream of there being this much available space for studying at my library. From mzacha on stock.xchng. |
I'd be in dire straights without my local library. That's where my reading and viewing material come from. It saves me from spending a lot of money on books and DVDs and from house getting (more) full of those same books and DVDs. Especially DVDs. I don't watch enough TV to need a DVD library, not when the city has one for me. I admit it's a bit of a downer when I want to watch something
right now but have to wait a couple of days for it to arrive at the library, but I'm willing to live with that.
If you aren't, there are other options-- Netflix, Hulu, Redbox-- that are easily accessible and will keep you from filling your house. And of course, I'd be remiss in my Green Friday posting if I didn't remind you that sharing materials with your entire community is a great way to make good use of resources, especially for something you don't necessarily need on hand all the time.
And my final plug for the library: In this era when budget cuts are affecting all levels of government services, it's critical that the library proves its own usefulness to civic leaders. Please use your library to make sure that it continues to be available to use.
What's your favourite thing about your local library?
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