If you don't know what I'm talking about, rejoice in your ignorance. For about five more seconds, because I'm about to tell you what I'm talking about.
The Great Happy Holidays v Merry Christmas debate.

Every year, I am bombarded with holiday-related emails, beginning (if I'm lucky!) right after Halloween. And they continue all the way through the new year. And usually, I also get to hear a few conversations about all the things that must be wrong with our world if we can't even say "Merry Christmas" any longer. Last year, I finally snapped and wrote a series of blogs giving my opinion on the whole issue, deciding that I had refrained from jumping into the pool long enough and it was now my turn.
Plus, I really am heartbroken, every year, at the time and mental energy we all spend on this. Be outraged, if you must, but I think you are merely allowing the people you feel are "ruining" Christmas to actually ruin your Christmas by getting up in arms over this.
So! I have re-worked last year's posts into the 2010 version, coming to you here at Cheekyness for the next few days. By way of forewarning: I usually stay out of controversies, because I think there aren't many things worth arguing over. But this one makes me sad enough to join in. Also, although I approach this subject with the same cheekyness that serves me so well in the rest of my life, my reasoning is not a joke; it's really how I feel. Stay tuned.
(This is just a warning of what is coming; rest assured, there will be plenty of space over the next few days for you to tell me that I'm wrong/right/crazy/fabulous/naïve/against Jesus/etc. In the meantime, fire away.)
You have a point!
Everyone has an opinion, right? May you let it be heard! (That's the beauty of being the master of your own blog ; ) )
@Carole: Thanks. :)
@Mary: No kidding. I don't know how I lived so long without a blog.
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