My apartment desperately needs some attention, but that's what December is for, right? I did manage to clear all the junk away from my radiators today, so when my landlord finally turns on the central heating (if it's not on already. I haven't switched it on yet so I don't know) I can use it. So that's something.
Other than that, my day was all about writing and wasting time on Twitter.
First line: She couldn’t be sure, not without testing it, that she’d picked up the storng emothion from teh girl at the grocery store because she’d touched her.
Last line: “Well, being as you just tried to knock my brains out sideways, I don’t care what you want,” Claire retorted. “Start talking.”
Today's words: 2176
Total words: 13,757
Words to go: 36,243
The half-witted, half-baked, half-mad ramblings of a widowed, forty-something, earth-loving, commuter-cycling, theatre-going, runner-girl Christ follower. Abandon seriousness, all ye who enter here.
What are we talking about today?
I'll get back to theme days once I find a groove of posting regularly. In the meantime, most of my posts are about some variation of books, bikes, buses, or Broadway. Plus bits about writing, nonprofits, and grief from time to time.
This blog is mostly lighthearted and pretty silly. It's not about the terrible things happening in the world, but please know that I'm not ignoring those things. I just generally don't write about them here.
19 November 2016
18 November 2016
#NaNoWriMo 2016, Day I Don't Even Know What
Apparently conjuring enthusiasm for NaNo in a new region is harder than I thought. I finally hit a good spot in my primary project this afternoon, so here's hoping. And this is picking up where we left off, since I have no idea where I started today.
First line: Since the start of her empathy project the three of them had had mood swings and energy fluxatations like none of them had ever seen, not even during puberty.
Last line: A bad mood while grading did not bode well for her students, so she tried to save it for her up days.
Words the last few days: 3223
Total words: 11,581
Words to go: 38,419
First line: Since the start of her empathy project the three of them had had mood swings and energy fluxatations like none of them had ever seen, not even during puberty.
Last line: A bad mood while grading did not bode well for her students, so she tried to save it for her up days.
Words the last few days: 3223
Total words: 11,581
Words to go: 38,419
14 November 2016
#NaNoWriMo 2016: Day 14
Guest blogger coming soon! I don't know what he's going to write about (I never do, until I get the magical email), but at least we'll have a teeny tiny bit of non-NaNo content around here. In the meantime, here we are (as-is, typos and all):
First line: Meghan made it through the front door before collapsing on the couch.
Last line: On the other hand, she enjoyed a good fantasy novel as much as anyone, and the weird in her house was beginning to get to be too munch to ignore.
First line: Meghan made it through the front door before collapsing on the couch.
Last line: On the other hand, she enjoyed a good fantasy novel as much as anyone, and the weird in her house was beginning to get to be too munch to ignore.
Today's words: 707
Total words: 8358
Words to go: 41642
13 November 2016
#NaNoWriMo 2016: Day 13
Yesterday I got my stuff moved in and mostly unpacked (my books are back! Yaaaaaay!!!), and then dashed off a couple sentences on my secondary project at the end of the day just so I had something to update on the NaNoWriMo site. Hence, no blog post, because there wasn't anything to bother posting. Today's a little better--between some furniture arranging and cooking, I got a few words in.
First line: Since they didn’t even hear her come in, she headed straight to her room to see if her luck would hold out on being super-productive while in a good mood.
Last line: A course of antibiotics to make everything better was more what she was after.
Today's words: 837
Total words: 7651
Words to go: 42,349
11 November 2016
#NaNoWriMo 2016: Day 11
First line: Claire was never sunshiny. The best they could hope for most days was partly cloudy.
Last line: Were they even saying individual words, Claire wondered, or was it just one stream of noise coming directly from their brains and out into the universe?
Today's words: 2191
Total words: 6628
Words to go: 43,372
10 November 2016
#NaNoWriMo 2016: Days 4-10
Yes, my word count is still low, despite squeezing six days into this update. I'm hoping to do something about that this weekend, once I get other stuff done. (Movers are coming! And bringing my stuff! I'm so happy about that.)
First sentence: "Go sit down before you pass out."
Last sentence: This project was already taking a turn for the weird.
Total words: 4437
Words to go: 45,563

Last sentence: This project was already taking a turn for the weird.
Total words: 4437
Words to go: 45,563
09 November 2016
Bet You Thought I Forgot About #NaNoWriMo
I didn't. I went to Austin over the weekend and have been all over the place since I got back: finding my new polling place, taking my first bike adventure to the grocery store (in the rain, natch), getting internet in the apartment and movers scheduled so all my stuff can finally join me, doing laundry, etc. NaNo has taken a bit of a back seat, but with any luck, I'll have a real update to share tomorrow.
In the meantime, here's a hedgehog having a week kind of like mine (source):
In the meantime, here's a hedgehog having a week kind of like mine (source):
03 November 2016
#NaNoWriMo 2016: Day 3
First line: "I don't know if I can handle telling Josie this."
Last line: "What are you having?" "A bowl of sugar filled cereal." "Yeah. I'll have that."
Words today: 806
Total words: 1943
Words to go: 48,057
Last line: "What are you having?" "A bowl of sugar filled cereal." "Yeah. I'll have that."
Words today: 806
Total words: 1943
Words to go: 48,057
02 November 2016
#NaNoWriMo 2016: Day 2
I'm technically working on two projects this NaNo, but one of them is my fallback for when I'm stuck on the main project and need to give my brain a break to get back on track. After a couple of NaNos when my main project fell over and refused to go any further halfway through the month, I'm being proactive. That said, all of my first/last lines will be from my main project, currently titled Stay With Me, unless I'm so stuck I couldn't even get out two sentences that day.
First line: Josie's obsessions tended to come and go, and there was no keeping up with them.
Last line:
Words today: 1030
Total words: 1137
Words to go: 48,863

Last line:
"What have we just let ourselves in for?" Claire asked.
"A life-enriching experience," Meghan said. "Or maybe just Josie talking less."
"I feel enriched already," Claire said with a grin.
Words today: 1030
Total words: 1137
Words to go: 48,863
01 November 2016
#NaNoWriMo 2016, Day 1
So it's been a bit of a day, and the teeny tiny bit of writing I managed to do today all happened at the DMV, except here in Ohio it's called the BMV for reasons passing understanding, and there I was told that in order to issue me a drivers licence, the State of Ohio will need to see (among other things) documentation proving that I'm female. I am not making this up. (It's not on my birth certificate, because the State of Indiana says "Screw you.")
My passport also needs to be renewed. Perhaps it will be easier to renew that first and take it to thethird circle of Hell BMV as my proof that I'm a US Citizen, instead of my gender-neutral birth certificate. (Why they can't take Texas' word for it that I'm a woman, I don't know, but it's clearly written right there on my Texas drivers licence.)
Maybe the nice woman at the BMV (she really was very nice, for all that she basically is Hell's receptionist) was puzzled by a birth certificate from Indiana, a driver licence from Texas, and two different last names with no documentation in sight. (I can bring my divorce decree, she told me very helpfully, a leap of logic that was probably assisted by my ring-free finger. In case you're new here: I'm a widow, but it's not stamped on my forehead or anything.)
So, I may not get to vote next week. I have a couple other options that I'm hoping magically come through.
Anyway! It's November 1st and NaNo is here! Yay! (Do I get up and dance around the room every time I watch that video? I totally do.) My three main characters finally have names! First names, that is, let's not rush things. We have 30 whole days, you know. Well. 29.
Today's first line: "Ben Franklin was an idiot."
Last line: "Tell you what, Jo, you let me know when you find out, okay?"
Today's word count: 107
Total word count: 107
Words to go: 49,893
My passport also needs to be renewed. Perhaps it will be easier to renew that first and take it to the
Maybe the nice woman at the BMV (she really was very nice, for all that she basically is Hell's receptionist) was puzzled by a birth certificate from Indiana, a driver licence from Texas, and two different last names with no documentation in sight. (I can bring my divorce decree, she told me very helpfully, a leap of logic that was probably assisted by my ring-free finger. In case you're new here: I'm a widow, but it's not stamped on my forehead or anything.)
So, I may not get to vote next week. I have a couple other options that I'm hoping magically come through.
Anyway! It's November 1st and NaNo is here! Yay! (Do I get up and dance around the room every time I watch that video? I totally do.) My three main characters finally have names! First names, that is, let's not rush things. We have 30 whole days, you know. Well. 29.
Today's first line: "Ben Franklin was an idiot."
Last line: "Tell you what, Jo, you let me know when you find out, okay?"
Today's word count: 107
Total word count: 107
Words to go: 49,893
Reading Challenges Update: October
Here's what happened with my reading challenges in October. I went a bit crazy with reading this month, because: I moved into my own space, so no more guilt about neglecting the relatives while I read; I'm spending a lot of time on public transportation again, which is prime reading time; and I won't be doing much reading in November, because of NaNoWriMo, so I decided to get as close to complete on all these challenges as I could.
A lot of what I've been reading are Kindle freebies I've collected over the years, and many of those are sadly forgettable. I try to be as kind as possible in my reviews while still being honest, but some books are clearly being published when they're not yet ready for outside readers, and that's a shame.
Links are to and images are from Goodreads, where all my reviews are written.
I Love Libraries Challenge (44/50 books)
Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace, Anne Lamott
Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son's First Son, Anne Lamott & Sam Lamott
Who's Your City?: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life, Richard Florida
Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World, Donald Sull & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, Anne Lamott
Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, Mason Currey
The Porcupine of Truth, Bill Konigsberg
The Captive Heart, Dale Cramer
Read It Again, Sam CHALLENGE COMPLETED (4/4 books)
The Instant Genius, Tanya Slover
Woman Challenge CHALLENGE COMPLETED (54/20 books)
Stirring Up Trouble, Juli Alexander
Armed and Outrageous, Madison Johns
Aundy, Shanna Hatfield
Knitting: The Complete Beginners Guide to Knitting and Crochet Patterns, Martha Watkins
Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace, Anne Lamott
Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son's First Son, Anne Lamott & Sam Lamott
Hexes and X's, Zoey Kane
Angel Wings, Suzanne Stengl
Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Easy Home Organization Tips and Storage Solutions for Clutter-Free Living, Judith Turnbridge
It Takes An Egg Timer, A Guide to Creating the Time for Your Life, Joanne Tombrakos
A Kiss For Midwinter, Courtney Milan
Frugal Gourmet Ideas: Secrets to Saving Thousands in the Kitchen, Charmaine Gerber
Leashed (Going to the Dogs #1), Zoe Dawson
Tomato Container Gardening: 7 Easy Steps To Healthy Harvests from Small Spaces, Mary Verdant
The Instant Genius, Tanya Slover
Simple Living - 30 days to less stuff and more life, Lorilee Lippincott
On Raven's Wings, Isobel Lucas
Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World, Donald Sull & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, Anne Lamott
Trouble's Brewing, Juli Alexander
Mount TBR Challenge (45/48 books so far)
Stirring Up Trouble, Juli Alexander
Armed and Outrageous, Madison Johns
Texas Homecoming, Maggie Shayne (This is a DNF that I've now removed from my TBR list. I'm so glad those count for this challenge--I've managed to cull a few books that just weren't for me that way.)
Everblue, Brenda Pandos (Ditto the above. Also, this is why I probably shouldn't just grab every free Kindle book that comes my way. Some are gems, most I end up not finishing.)
The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells
Aundy, Shanna Hatfield
Knitting: The Complete Beginners Guide to Knitting and Crochet Patterns, Martha Watkins
Brailling For Wile, Jamie Zerndt
Don't Fight With the Garden Hose and Other Lessons I've Learned Along the Way, Tom Harvey
Streetlights Like Fireworks, David Pandolfe
Hell's Super, Mark Cain
Goal Setting: A 7 Step Guide to Reach Your Goals and Have One Hell of a Time, Matt Harris
Ready Aim Fire!: A Practical Guide to Setting And Achieving Goals, Jim M. Woods & Erik J. Fisher
Haunted Presidents: Ghosts in the Lives of the Chief Executives, Charles A. Stansfield Jr.
Hexes and X's, Zoey Kane
Where Is God When It Hurts?, Philip Yancey
Angel Wings, Suzanne Stengl
Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Easy Home Organization Tips and Storage Solutions for Clutter-Free Living, Judith Turnbridge
It Takes An Egg Timer, A Guide to Creating the Time for Your Life, Joanne Tombrakos
A Kiss For Midwinter, Courtney Milan
The Parrot Talks In Chocolate, Everett Peacock
Frugal Gourmet Ideas: Secrets to Saving Thousands in the Kitchen, Charmaine Gerber
Attack Your Day!: Before It Attacks You, Mark Woods & Trapper Woods
The Cat Manual, Michael Ray Taylor
The Myth of the Garage: And Other Minor Surprises, Chip Heath & Dan Heath
Leashed (Going to the Dogs #1), Zoe Dawson
Tomato Container Gardening: 7 Easy Steps To Healthy Harvests from Small Spaces, Mary Verdant
It Takes a Genome: How a Clash Between Our Genes and Modern Life Is Making Us Sick, Greg Gibson
Simple Living - 30 days to less stuff and more life, Lorilee Lippincott
On Raven's Wings, Isobel Lucas
Wintersmith, Terry Pratchett
Trouble's Brewing, Juli Alexander
Goodreads Challenge (96/100 books so far)
Stirring Up Trouble, Juli Alexander
Armed and Outrageous, Madison Johns
The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells
Aundy, Shanna Hatfield
Knitting: The Complete Beginners Guide to Knitting and Crochet Patterns, Martha Watkins
All My Friends Are Still Dead, Avery Monsen, Jory John
Brailling For Wile, Jamie Zerndt
Don't Fight With the Garden Hose and Other Lessons I've Learned Along the Way, Tom Harvey
Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace, Anne Lamott
Streetlights Like Fireworks, David Pandolfe
Hell's Super, Mark Cain
Goal Setting: A 7 Step Guide to Reach Your Goals and Have One Hell of a Time, Matt Harris
Ready Aim Fire!: A Practical Guide to Setting And Achieving Goals, Jim M. Woods & Erik J. Fisher
Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son's First Son, Anne Lamott & Sam Lamott
Haunted Presidents: Ghosts in the Lives of the Chief Executives, Charles A. Stansfield Jr.
Hexes and X's, Zoey Kane
Where Is God When It Hurts?, Philip Yancey
Angel Wings, Suzanne Stengl
Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Easy Home Organization Tips and Storage Solutions for Clutter-Free Living, Judith Turnbridge
It Takes An Egg Timer, A Guide to Creating the Time for Your Life, Joanne Tombrakos
A Kiss For Midwinter, Courtney Milan
The Parrot Talks In Chocolate, Everett Peacock
Frugal Gourmet Ideas: Secrets to Saving Thousands in the Kitchen, Charmaine Gerber
Attack Your Day!: Before It Attacks You, Mark Woods & Trapper Woods
The Cat Manual, Michael Ray Taylor
The Myth of the Garage: And Other Minor Surprises, Chip Heath & Dan Heath
Leashed (Going to the Dogs #1), Zoe Dawson
Tomato Container Gardening: 7 Easy Steps To Healthy Harvests from Small Spaces, Mary Verdant
It Takes a Genome: How a Clash Between Our Genes and Modern Life Is Making Us Sick, Greg Gibson
Simple Living - 30 days to less stuff and more life, Lorilee Lippincott
On Raven's Wings, Isobel Lucas
Writing on the Wall: Social Media - The First 2,000 Years, Tom Standage
Wintersmith, Terry Pratchett
Who's Your City?: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life, Richard Florida
Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World, Donald Sull & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, Anne Lamott
Trouble's Brewing, Juli Alexander
Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, Mason Currey
The Porcupine of Truth, Bill Konigsberg
The Captive Heart, Dale Cramer
What are you reading this month?
A lot of what I've been reading are Kindle freebies I've collected over the years, and many of those are sadly forgettable. I try to be as kind as possible in my reviews while still being honest, but some books are clearly being published when they're not yet ready for outside readers, and that's a shame.
- After joining my new local library and seeing the wealth of reading material available in Cincinnati (41 library locations. 41!! Where has this city been all my life?), I went back and forth on bumping I Love Libraries challenge to the next (and highest) level, which initially seemed like a bad idea since NaNoWriMo is upon us. I finally went with bumping it up, on the grounds that December is long enough for a few books.
- I'm calling Read it Again, Sam complete, since my entire personal library is still sitting in storage (prayers, crossed fingers, and other things that this will be remedied shortly) and is unavailable for re-reading, so moving to the next level is probably a bad idea.
- I moved Mount TBR up to the next level, and I'm almost done with it, so unless something crazy happens this is the level I'll finish the year on.
- And finally, after November is over, I'll make a decision on raising my Goodreads challenge. My usual practice has been to raise it by one book every time I read a book for the first 20 or so days of December, if I'm getting close to completion. My plan for October was to get within 10 books left for December, and I overshot that a bit.
Links are to and images are from Goodreads, where all my reviews are written.
I Love Libraries Challenge (44/50 books)
Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace, Anne Lamott
Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son's First Son, Anne Lamott & Sam Lamott
Who's Your City?: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life, Richard Florida
Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World, Donald Sull & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, Anne Lamott
Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, Mason Currey
The Porcupine of Truth, Bill Konigsberg
The Captive Heart, Dale Cramer
Read It Again, Sam CHALLENGE COMPLETED (4/4 books)
The Instant Genius, Tanya Slover
Woman Challenge CHALLENGE COMPLETED (54/20 books)
Stirring Up Trouble, Juli Alexander
Armed and Outrageous, Madison Johns
Aundy, Shanna Hatfield
Knitting: The Complete Beginners Guide to Knitting and Crochet Patterns, Martha Watkins
Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace, Anne Lamott
Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son's First Son, Anne Lamott & Sam Lamott
Hexes and X's, Zoey Kane
Angel Wings, Suzanne Stengl
Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Easy Home Organization Tips and Storage Solutions for Clutter-Free Living, Judith Turnbridge
It Takes An Egg Timer, A Guide to Creating the Time for Your Life, Joanne Tombrakos
A Kiss For Midwinter, Courtney Milan
Frugal Gourmet Ideas: Secrets to Saving Thousands in the Kitchen, Charmaine Gerber
Leashed (Going to the Dogs #1), Zoe Dawson
Tomato Container Gardening: 7 Easy Steps To Healthy Harvests from Small Spaces, Mary Verdant
The Instant Genius, Tanya Slover
Simple Living - 30 days to less stuff and more life, Lorilee Lippincott
On Raven's Wings, Isobel Lucas
Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World, Donald Sull & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, Anne Lamott
Trouble's Brewing, Juli Alexander
Mount TBR Challenge (45/48 books so far)
Stirring Up Trouble, Juli Alexander
Armed and Outrageous, Madison Johns
Texas Homecoming, Maggie Shayne (This is a DNF that I've now removed from my TBR list. I'm so glad those count for this challenge--I've managed to cull a few books that just weren't for me that way.)
Everblue, Brenda Pandos (Ditto the above. Also, this is why I probably shouldn't just grab every free Kindle book that comes my way. Some are gems, most I end up not finishing.)
The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells
Aundy, Shanna Hatfield
Knitting: The Complete Beginners Guide to Knitting and Crochet Patterns, Martha Watkins
Brailling For Wile, Jamie Zerndt
Don't Fight With the Garden Hose and Other Lessons I've Learned Along the Way, Tom Harvey
Streetlights Like Fireworks, David Pandolfe
Hell's Super, Mark Cain
Goal Setting: A 7 Step Guide to Reach Your Goals and Have One Hell of a Time, Matt Harris
Ready Aim Fire!: A Practical Guide to Setting And Achieving Goals, Jim M. Woods & Erik J. Fisher
Haunted Presidents: Ghosts in the Lives of the Chief Executives, Charles A. Stansfield Jr.
Hexes and X's, Zoey Kane
Where Is God When It Hurts?, Philip Yancey
Angel Wings, Suzanne Stengl
Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Easy Home Organization Tips and Storage Solutions for Clutter-Free Living, Judith Turnbridge
It Takes An Egg Timer, A Guide to Creating the Time for Your Life, Joanne Tombrakos
A Kiss For Midwinter, Courtney Milan
The Parrot Talks In Chocolate, Everett Peacock
Frugal Gourmet Ideas: Secrets to Saving Thousands in the Kitchen, Charmaine Gerber
Attack Your Day!: Before It Attacks You, Mark Woods & Trapper Woods
The Cat Manual, Michael Ray Taylor
The Myth of the Garage: And Other Minor Surprises, Chip Heath & Dan Heath
Leashed (Going to the Dogs #1), Zoe Dawson
Tomato Container Gardening: 7 Easy Steps To Healthy Harvests from Small Spaces, Mary Verdant
It Takes a Genome: How a Clash Between Our Genes and Modern Life Is Making Us Sick, Greg Gibson
Simple Living - 30 days to less stuff and more life, Lorilee Lippincott
On Raven's Wings, Isobel Lucas
Wintersmith, Terry Pratchett
Trouble's Brewing, Juli Alexander
Goodreads Challenge (96/100 books so far)
Stirring Up Trouble, Juli Alexander
Armed and Outrageous, Madison Johns
The War of the Worlds, H.G. Wells
Aundy, Shanna Hatfield
Knitting: The Complete Beginners Guide to Knitting and Crochet Patterns, Martha Watkins
All My Friends Are Still Dead, Avery Monsen, Jory John
Brailling For Wile, Jamie Zerndt
Don't Fight With the Garden Hose and Other Lessons I've Learned Along the Way, Tom Harvey
Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace, Anne Lamott
Streetlights Like Fireworks, David Pandolfe
Hell's Super, Mark Cain
Goal Setting: A 7 Step Guide to Reach Your Goals and Have One Hell of a Time, Matt Harris
Ready Aim Fire!: A Practical Guide to Setting And Achieving Goals, Jim M. Woods & Erik J. Fisher
Some Assembly Required: A Journal of My Son's First Son, Anne Lamott & Sam Lamott
Haunted Presidents: Ghosts in the Lives of the Chief Executives, Charles A. Stansfield Jr.
Hexes and X's, Zoey Kane
Where Is God When It Hurts?, Philip Yancey
Angel Wings, Suzanne Stengl
Out of Sight, Out of Mind - Easy Home Organization Tips and Storage Solutions for Clutter-Free Living, Judith Turnbridge
It Takes An Egg Timer, A Guide to Creating the Time for Your Life, Joanne Tombrakos
A Kiss For Midwinter, Courtney Milan
The Parrot Talks In Chocolate, Everett Peacock
Frugal Gourmet Ideas: Secrets to Saving Thousands in the Kitchen, Charmaine Gerber
Attack Your Day!: Before It Attacks You, Mark Woods & Trapper Woods
The Cat Manual, Michael Ray Taylor
The Myth of the Garage: And Other Minor Surprises, Chip Heath & Dan Heath
Leashed (Going to the Dogs #1), Zoe Dawson
Tomato Container Gardening: 7 Easy Steps To Healthy Harvests from Small Spaces, Mary Verdant
It Takes a Genome: How a Clash Between Our Genes and Modern Life Is Making Us Sick, Greg Gibson
Simple Living - 30 days to less stuff and more life, Lorilee Lippincott
On Raven's Wings, Isobel Lucas
Writing on the Wall: Social Media - The First 2,000 Years, Tom Standage
Wintersmith, Terry Pratchett
Who's Your City?: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life, Richard Florida
Simple Rules: How to Thrive in a Complex World, Donald Sull & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, Anne Lamott
Trouble's Brewing, Juli Alexander
Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, Mason Currey
The Porcupine of Truth, Bill Konigsberg
The Captive Heart, Dale Cramer
What are you reading this month?
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