A few days ago, my NaNo novel came up in the course of
bikeschool (a Twitter chat) because I said I was headed off to write or something like that. In the conversation that followed, one thing led to another and suddenly a Twitter friend was demanding to be killed off in my novel. I finally got around to introducing him today: in honor of
@Seannybucket, Mr. Parker the cranky neighbor has been introduced. Horrible death still to come.
In unrelated news, I finally reached 24601 words. So my word counts below are actually low, because once I get to 24601 I like to stop and bask. The rest of the words I wrote today will be reflected in tomorrow's word count. (Yes, there is something wrong with me.)
First sentence: She still wouldn’t let him take her home, but did let him drop her off at a different bus stop that was closer to her house.
Last sentence: Jellylorum was probably devious enough to outsmart anything she tried.
Today's word count: 2111
Total word count: 24,601
So many ways to kill a character off...so little time. Looking forward to the devious end you plot.
Yep, I have to think of something.
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