What are we talking about today?

I'll get back to theme days once I find a groove of posting regularly. In the meantime, most of my posts are about some variation of books, bikes, buses, or Broadway. Plus bits about writing, nonprofits, and grief from time to time.

This blog is mostly lighthearted and pretty silly. It's not about the terrible things happening in the world, but please know that I'm not ignoring those things. I just generally don't write about them here.

21 November 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015: Day 21

A few days ago, my NaNo novel came up in the course of bikeschool (a Twitter chat) because I said I was headed off to write or something like that. In the conversation that followed, one thing led to another and suddenly a Twitter friend was demanding to be killed off in my novel. I finally got around to introducing him today: in honor of @Seannybucket, Mr. Parker the cranky neighbor has been introduced. Horrible death still to come.

Who am I? Wrimo 24601.
 Yes, I wore this
shirt on purpose knowing
this would happen today.
In unrelated news, I finally reached 24601 words. So my word counts below are actually low, because once I get to 24601 I like to stop and bask. The rest of the words I wrote today will be reflected in tomorrow's word count. (Yes, there is something wrong with me.)

First sentence: She still wouldn’t let him take her home, but did let him drop her off at a different bus stop that was closer to her house.

Last sentence: Jellylorum was probably devious enough to outsmart anything she tried.

Today's word count: 2111

Total word count: 24,601


Anonymous said...

So many ways to kill a character off...so little time. Looking forward to the devious end you plot.

Su said...

Yep, I have to think of something.