But I love that. That grace is a net, not that my father has a warped sense of humour. Because I cling to the safety of the ground, but I yearn to venture into the high places. To take risks with my Christian walk. I want to leap out, holding the trapeze of faith, and see how far I can soar through the air-- perfectly safe in the knowledge that if I slip off, or miss my jump, or freeze up in terror, that I will land on a net of grace.
Do I dare leap higher? Trust in God more? Love my husband more deeply? Pray for my family more fervently? Be quick to encourage my classmates? Use lots of adverbs in my blogging, and see if anyone notices?
One of my favourite Christian songs is "If I Stand", by Rich Mullins. He said it so much better than I ever could:
So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can't, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
So today, and this week, and this month, and this year: I want to stand. But if I fall, I can do so with confidence that God has provided a net.
I thought that's rather nice Su, that your mother's name equals Grace.
I think we can stand tall and jump as high as we like knowing that there's a net to catch us if we fall (and for you there's Annette)
A lovely post.
So beautiful.
I enjoyed reading this.
God bless you and your family.
@Grandpa: I think she was pleased, too. :)
@Carole: Thanks!
@Misha: I'm so glad you enjoyed it! God bless you as well.
unfortunately in some circles if you talk about the safety net of grace and take comfort in it, people assume you are taking advantage of God's grace. You did a great job avoiding that (without trying, likely), well done!
Oh, yeah, I didn't even think about that. I think those circles aren't reading my blog! :) Thanks!
When I was little, everyone called Annette, well, "Annette." I was at the age where I started to realize that most peoples names were in relation to myself ("Grandma Greene," "Uncle Gary"). So I called her Aunt Net for a while, thinking that was what I was supposed to call her (and that her name was indeed "Net"). I don't think anyone really noticed though, since I was a little kid and still learning certain words.
I'm aware this has little to do with your blog post, but I thought it would make you laugh :)
That does make me laugh. I don't even remember that.
You were ahead of the game, though... since my parents never enforced the title thing, I didn't realise that most people address elder relatives as "Aunt" or "Uncle" until I was an adult. I'm sure everyone thought we had bad manners... and that's probably because we did. :/
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