I also love writing, reading, and running. Some days when I'm trying to feel extra-smart I bring them all together; I bloviate, "Yes, I'd like to canter about as a rabbit does, but I'm afraid I must scuttle in a fuliguline manner." And then the people talking to me wander off in search of someone who makes sense. I should probably stop with the swallowed-a-dictionary act.
I have a larger-than-necessary personal library, because I have a hard time parting with books. But unlike normal people, who shelve by genre or author, I shelve by size. However, my secret plan for my bookshelves is to get them into Dewey Decimal order; someday when I'm bored, I'll let out OCD Su and she'll get right on it.
My classmates have this charming idea that I'm a walking syllabus; they ask me more questions than they ask our TA. And the elder sister in me is happy to oblige, because I think they are (mostly) lovely people and also because I really do want them to succeed. Plus, I know the day is coming when I will be the TA and I'll be obligated to say things like, "What does your syllabus say?" instead of just handing out the answer. Technically, then, I'm an enabler for my classmates' unpreparedness, but I don't mind being their non-trad buddy.
So... something I just told you isn't true. Can you guess what it is? (People who know me
Trying to guess the lie. Maybe you don't really like to run. :)
The lie..you won't organize by the Dewey Decimal order lol. Nice job with the challange words!
I'm wondering if I should confirm or deny the guesses... hmmm... I'll wait a while. :)
How fun! My first guess was to say you're not a runner, but I think you probably are. So I'll guess you do NOT wish to put your books in Dewey Decimal order.
Hello fellow crusader! I am a tad bit late, the whole house has been sick all week. So, I just thought I would pop in and just say Hi! :D
You really DO mind being their non-trad buddy! :P
Alright, a little hint to help out: It says "runner girl" at the top of my page. That part is true.
@Jai: LOL! Sorry about the illness in your house; that's a bummer. :(
Dewey System, really? Size must be a lie -- how the devil would you find anything?
Loved the post!
My guess is you don't shelve your books by size.
That was my guess too. the shelve books by size. And even though I kinda know you well, I have never been to a home you lived in, so this is something I do not know.
I'm really enjoying reading these. Keep the guesses coming!
@Deb: Fair enough.
My guess is your secret plan isn't to organize your books by the Dewey Decimal System.
Well hi there Su! I love Austin too! Especially since I'm stuck in less-than-anything Waco! Are you a member of ARWA??
And if you really run, what advice would you give to an out-of-shape wannabe? Just curious! ;)
@Autumn: I do really run. I'll drop by your blog with my best advice. I'm not a member of ARWA 'cause I don't really write Romance.
Great post! Hmm..you won't ever organize by Dewey Decimal. Christy (see?! I'm bloghopping tonight!!!!!) hehe :0)
Dang! Guess I was wrong, then. ;)
My guess would be that you actually are very irritated by having to answer so many "did we have homework?" or "are we having a test?" questions! I know I sure get tired of it!! Makes you want to just tell them to "read the dad-gum syllabus yourself!!"
I think you DO organize by DDS, not size. :)
Heh heh heh. Answers coming soon!
I'm going with Dewey Decimal... teehee
Well, I can now say... No to all. Thank you for playing! :)
Good to meet you, Crusader!
I'm guessing that you don't shelve your books by size.
Really tough! I'm going to go with the swallowing a dictionary act. I bet you don't throw big words around like that if you're such a nice big sister type!
Idk about what you're lieing about BUT I'm going to echo your statement about "natural world when the flora comes home with me." Except not grass- I prefer putting flowers in my hair :)
@JL: No, I really do!
@Witless: Oh, good point! I hadn't thought about that being a lie. I do throw around big words, just not those particular big words. ;)
@Michelle: Me, too, although it's been a while since I've done it.
Hmmm, how about your outfit of choice? Is that the lie? Maybe you don't like flip flops. Being a runner maybe you don't like the restriction of wearing shoes that make you actually run in a fuliguline manner! Lol!
Ding ding ding! It is the flip-flops. And alas, it's not the shoes that make me a fuliguline runner; that's all me. :(
For the fuliguline runners reading this, my daughter gave me the book by the Penguin Runner, John Bingham. See http://www.couragetostart.com/ Su and I are in good company.
Well, I would have guessed that you don't sort your books by size, even though I do that too. Great entry!
@Arthur: Very true! :)
@Lisa: Cool! I'm so glad that it isn't just me!
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