In the whole of the A to Z Challenge, this is my only tie! A couple other letters were close, but I managed to restrain myself from gushing about every show ever made. Amazed? You probably should be.
I was delirously happy this day. That NYC
trip really was the highlight of an otherwise
awful, awful year. They all should have won
Tonys just for making me laugh so hard. |
It Shoulda Been You
Originally opened off-Broadway October 4, 2011. Opened on Broadway in April 2015.
Currently: Closed on Broadway but has not been released for other theatres yet.
Music: Barbara Anselmi
Lyrics & Book: Brian Hargrove
Everybody knows about: This was
Tyne Daly's first Broadway musical in 25 years.
I have thoughts:
Seeing this show on Broadway was amazing. I chose it because of
Sierra Boggess, but as is my wont, I came away delighted and with a bunch of other actors to obsessively stalk on Twitter (although I've been too busy lately for much stalking), and in particular
Josh Grisetti. He's a lot of fun on social media.
- AND -
My playbill from the tour. Signed by the actors
who played Captain von Trapp, Maria, Lisel,
and the Reverend Mother (Ashley Brown,
who is best known for originating Mary
Poppins on Broadway. Her signature is the one
with the heart). |
The Sound of Music
Originally opened on Broadway November 16, 1959.
touring the U.S.
Music: Richard Rodgers
Lyrics: Oscar Hammerstein II
Book: Howard Lindsay & Russel Crouse
Basis: 1956 German film
Die Trapp-Familie and Maria von Trapp's autobiography
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers
Everybody knows about: The movie, of course. But it was a stage show first, y'all. It's also the last Rogers & Hammerstein musical, since Mr. Hammerstein passed away only a few months after the show opened on Broadway. He never saw his gorgeous score on the big screen.
I have thoughts: I'm not sure we have time for all the thoughts I have about this show, although
I did write some of them down just a few weeks ago after seeing the current tour. This is one of the musicals that competes for the #1 slot on my favourites list (I have about five in rotation, depending on my mood).
I'm guessing most of you know
The Sound of Music well and may have never heard of
It Shoulda Been You. Let's hear what you think!